Just click on this link or copy and paste it. Another great article from Dr. Mercola
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Another movie!
OH I forgot to add this movie the other day, The Future of food.
It is another great film about food and deals more with genetic modification and ramifications along with the future of the food industry if we do not choose to make better choices. People always think that voting is done at the ballot box. Well that is not true. Voting us done every day, every time you chose what music to buy, what food to eat, what TV shows you watch you are voting for more of the same. Instead of complaining about the music being a bad influence don't listen to it anymore and that will show your dissatisfaction. If you don't want so much junk food and processed food for you and the future generations of your family then buy all organic and stop voting for more of the same. Every time you use credit or borrow money from banks you are voting for more banks! It is simple but the Free market is the most powerful force on the planet and if we want a better future for us and our kids we need to make better choices and let the change start with us and not rely on other people or the government to do it for us. Anyone can talk and complain, but only leaders truly act and walk the walk. People think that as one person they have no say, but the consumer says it all. If the consumer isn't buying, the company will have no choice but to change in order to survive!
"Most people choose to take the advice they want and not the advice that they need."
It is another great film about food and deals more with genetic modification and ramifications along with the future of the food industry if we do not choose to make better choices. People always think that voting is done at the ballot box. Well that is not true. Voting us done every day, every time you chose what music to buy, what food to eat, what TV shows you watch you are voting for more of the same. Instead of complaining about the music being a bad influence don't listen to it anymore and that will show your dissatisfaction. If you don't want so much junk food and processed food for you and the future generations of your family then buy all organic and stop voting for more of the same. Every time you use credit or borrow money from banks you are voting for more banks! It is simple but the Free market is the most powerful force on the planet and if we want a better future for us and our kids we need to make better choices and let the change start with us and not rely on other people or the government to do it for us. Anyone can talk and complain, but only leaders truly act and walk the walk. People think that as one person they have no say, but the consumer says it all. If the consumer isn't buying, the company will have no choice but to change in order to survive!
"Most people choose to take the advice they want and not the advice that they need."
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a blessed holiday full of family and friends!
Now for all of you who have a new years resolution to get in shape and tone up, I have the ultimate recommendation to help you on your journey! Your homework is to watch these to movies: Food Inc. and Killer at large. Once you have a better understanding of how the food industry works, from how its made to how it is advertised and how it reacts inside your body, making healthier choices becomes a whole lot easier. If you have a goal to get in shape and take control of your life but have no idea what you are eating and drinking, or how it is made and advertised then you are fooling yourself. Trust me after seeing these two movies you will have a complete shift in the way you look at and think of food. This will make you far more in control of what you eat than ever before. If you think you know, believe me, you have no idea!!!
Most people are born original and most people die copies!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!
Now for all of you who have a new years resolution to get in shape and tone up, I have the ultimate recommendation to help you on your journey! Your homework is to watch these to movies: Food Inc. and Killer at large. Once you have a better understanding of how the food industry works, from how its made to how it is advertised and how it reacts inside your body, making healthier choices becomes a whole lot easier. If you have a goal to get in shape and take control of your life but have no idea what you are eating and drinking, or how it is made and advertised then you are fooling yourself. Trust me after seeing these two movies you will have a complete shift in the way you look at and think of food. This will make you far more in control of what you eat than ever before. If you think you know, believe me, you have no idea!!!
Most people are born original and most people die copies!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Chlorine/Fluoride and Fertility today?
I was thinking about fertility the other day and the fact that so many people have a hard time....I have been thinking about the different things we each do and come into contact with and I have since started looking into it....
I have found that fluoride (which has been added to our drinking water since the 1950's) is a byproduct of the aluminum and nuclear industries. The Merck index lists fluoride's primary use as rat and cockroach poison. The first known instances of deliberate water fluoridation were in Nazi Germany ghettos and prison camps. Sodium fluoride was added to the human inmates' water to sterilize them and to cause them to become docile, subservient subjects willing to comply with orders. Among other things it causes hormone disruption and premature births. I know, I know 'they' say it is good for our teeth, but interestingly enough it actually causes dental fluorosis (a disease of the teeth) and weakening of bones through bone loss!!
The second thing I thought of was chlorine. It is in cleaning products, swimming pools, tap water (that most drink, shower in, and cook with), toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, baby wipes, diapers, cotton swabs, and TAMPONS.....several of these things come into contact with ours and our babies most sensitive places. I will attach the link to an article that I just finished reading but I am going to copy and paste some of the most interesting info in case you can't read the entire article!!
The average woman, menstruating for five days a month for 38 years will use approximately
11,400 tampons in a lifetime.
Most tampons are treated with chemicals that have no place in a product to be used so intimately by women. Tampax manufactures tampons from a blend of rayon/viscose and conventionally grown cotton. Approximately “84 million pounds of pesticides are sprayed on 14.4 million acres of conventional cotton grown each year in the US… These chemicals are some of the most toxic used in agriculture and the [Environmental Protection Agency] has declared seven of the top 15 to be ʻpossibleʼ, ʻlikelyʼ, ʻprobableʼ, or ʻknownʼ human carcinogens” (“A Periodic Problem”). The toxic cotton is a problem, but certainly not the only one.
The rayon/viscose used in Tampax is made from wood pulp and hundreds of chemicals are used during the process of converting wood to rayon. The chlorine bleaching of wood pulp is where the greatest danger lies. The process creates chlorinated hydrocarbons, a hazardous group of chemicals with byproducts that includes dioxins, some of the most toxic substances known.
Given that dioxin is cumulative and slow to disintegrate, the real danger comes from repeated contact. I think itʼs safe to consider five days a month, 12 months a year, for nearly 40 years to be repeated contact.
Dioxin is a term used to describe a group of hundreds of highly persistent and highly toxic chemicals that accumulate in the environment and in our bodies. This toxin is a highly dangerous byproduct of many different industrial processes involving chlorine including waste incineration, chemical and pesticide manufacturing, and pulp and paper bleaching (this includes the rawmaterials used in conventional tampons). Dioxin is an organochlorine and is produced by a combination of chlorine and organic compounds. As the primary toxic component of Agent Orange, it is considered “the deadliest substance known to humankind”(“Chlorine Bleaching, Dioxin and Womenʼs Health”), where “literally, a tablespoon [of dioxin] would kill everyone on the planet”(Citrinbaum).
The risk with dioxin is not about how much is present, but that it is there at all. The “subtle reproductive and health effects occur at doses low enough to present no blatant effects, and is insidiously spreading slowly throughout populations” (“Chlorine Bleaching, Dioxin and Womenʼs Health”). Dioxin accumulates in humans, particularly womenʼs body fat and breast milk. The main means of elimination is therefore through the breast milk or the placenta and then begins to accumulate in the fetus and into infancy. The “greatest risk is to developing children and fetuses” (“Chlorine Bleaching, Dioxin and Womenʼs Health”) as their immune and nervous systems are only just developing. This persistent toxin is not only spreading through populations but through generations.
In addition to cancer and endometriosis the enzyme, hormonal and growth disruption caused by
dioxin exposure has been linked to birth defects, the inability to maintain pregnancy, decreased
fertility, reduced sperm count, diabetes, learning disabilities, immune system suppression, lung
problems, skin disorders, and lowered testosterone levels.
Something to think about for the ladies.... pass this on to any women that you know!
I have found that fluoride (which has been added to our drinking water since the 1950's) is a byproduct of the aluminum and nuclear industries. The Merck index lists fluoride's primary use as rat and cockroach poison. The first known instances of deliberate water fluoridation were in Nazi Germany ghettos and prison camps. Sodium fluoride was added to the human inmates' water to sterilize them and to cause them to become docile, subservient subjects willing to comply with orders. Among other things it causes hormone disruption and premature births. I know, I know 'they' say it is good for our teeth, but interestingly enough it actually causes dental fluorosis (a disease of the teeth) and weakening of bones through bone loss!!
The second thing I thought of was chlorine. It is in cleaning products, swimming pools, tap water (that most drink, shower in, and cook with), toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, baby wipes, diapers, cotton swabs, and TAMPONS.....several of these things come into contact with ours and our babies most sensitive places. I will attach the link to an article that I just finished reading but I am going to copy and paste some of the most interesting info in case you can't read the entire article!!
The average woman, menstruating for five days a month for 38 years will use approximately
11,400 tampons in a lifetime.
Most tampons are treated with chemicals that have no place in a product to be used so intimately by women. Tampax manufactures tampons from a blend of rayon/viscose and conventionally grown cotton. Approximately “84 million pounds of pesticides are sprayed on 14.4 million acres of conventional cotton grown each year in the US… These chemicals are some of the most toxic used in agriculture and the [Environmental Protection Agency] has declared seven of the top 15 to be ʻpossibleʼ, ʻlikelyʼ, ʻprobableʼ, or ʻknownʼ human carcinogens” (“A Periodic Problem”). The toxic cotton is a problem, but certainly not the only one.
The rayon/viscose used in Tampax is made from wood pulp and hundreds of chemicals are used during the process of converting wood to rayon. The chlorine bleaching of wood pulp is where the greatest danger lies. The process creates chlorinated hydrocarbons, a hazardous group of chemicals with byproducts that includes dioxins, some of the most toxic substances known.
Given that dioxin is cumulative and slow to disintegrate, the real danger comes from repeated contact. I think itʼs safe to consider five days a month, 12 months a year, for nearly 40 years to be repeated contact.
Dioxin is a term used to describe a group of hundreds of highly persistent and highly toxic chemicals that accumulate in the environment and in our bodies. This toxin is a highly dangerous byproduct of many different industrial processes involving chlorine including waste incineration, chemical and pesticide manufacturing, and pulp and paper bleaching (this includes the rawmaterials used in conventional tampons). Dioxin is an organochlorine and is produced by a combination of chlorine and organic compounds. As the primary toxic component of Agent Orange, it is considered “the deadliest substance known to humankind”(“Chlorine Bleaching, Dioxin and Womenʼs Health”), where “literally, a tablespoon [of dioxin] would kill everyone on the planet”(Citrinbaum).
The risk with dioxin is not about how much is present, but that it is there at all. The “subtle reproductive and health effects occur at doses low enough to present no blatant effects, and is insidiously spreading slowly throughout populations” (“Chlorine Bleaching, Dioxin and Womenʼs Health”). Dioxin accumulates in humans, particularly womenʼs body fat and breast milk. The main means of elimination is therefore through the breast milk or the placenta and then begins to accumulate in the fetus and into infancy. The “greatest risk is to developing children and fetuses” (“Chlorine Bleaching, Dioxin and Womenʼs Health”) as their immune and nervous systems are only just developing. This persistent toxin is not only spreading through populations but through generations.
In addition to cancer and endometriosis the enzyme, hormonal and growth disruption caused by
dioxin exposure has been linked to birth defects, the inability to maintain pregnancy, decreased
fertility, reduced sperm count, diabetes, learning disabilities, immune system suppression, lung
problems, skin disorders, and lowered testosterone levels.
Something to think about for the ladies.... pass this on to any women that you know!
It is the most basic human life requirement. Only being out done by oxygen. So why is it that the water we have access to is poisoned. There are tons of things that the FDA has deemed appropriate for our water consumption, including chlorine, pharmaceuticals, and fluoride.
This is an article from Natural News
(NaturalNews) A recent study conducted by researchers from the State University of New York (SUNY) found that fluoride ingestion may be responsible for causing premature births. Presented to the American Public Health Association at its annual meeting, these findings ratchet up yet another detrimental consequence of ingesting this toxic poison that is added to most American municipal water supplies.
Sodium fluoride, a waste byproduct of the aluminum industry, is touted by most mainstream health bureaucracies as one of the greatest public health achievements ever discovered. The American Dental Association praises the medication of the public through fluoridated municipal water supplies, claiming that it has done wonders to prevent tooth decay. A simple investigation beyond the glaringly false rhetoric, however, reveals the dirty reality behind fluoride and the incredible harm it inflicts upon those who ingest it.
Contrary to popular belief, fluoride is not a natural substance; it is the byproduct of the aluminum and nuclear industries' use of fluorine gas. The Merck Index lists fluoride's primary use as rat and cockroach poison and it is a known carcinogen. It wasn't until the 1950s that the FDA was somehow convinced that the poison allegedly helped protect teeth.
Fluoride used in Nazi death camps
The first known instances of deliberate water fluoridation were in Nazi Germany ghettos and prison camps. Sodium fluoride was added to the human inmates' water to sterilize them and to cause them to become docile, subservient subjects willing to comply with orders.
Charles Perkins, a research chemist, wrote a letter to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research in 1954 about fluoride. In it, he stated that repeated ingestion of low doses of fluoride over a long period of time will destroy the areas of the human brain that trigger resistance to tyranny and unlawful coercion and control.
Conditions caused by fluoride ingestion
Fluoride ingestion is responsible for causing thyroid dysfunction. The National Research Council (NRC) warns that ingestion of .01 - .03 mg/kg/day of fluoride, which is easily achieved by drinking fluoridated water, can severely inhibit proper thyroid function.
Other problems caused by fluoride include dental fluorosis, a disease of the teeth, weakening of bones and bone loss, bone cancer, kidney problems, and hormone disruption.
Many communities have succeeded in removing fluoride from their water supplies through local campaigns and ballot measures. Since medical professionals and organizations are increasingly becoming opposed to fluoride use, the momentum is stronger than ever to rid the nation's water supplies of toxic fluoride.
Please look into your municipal water supply and then do whatever you have to in order to get pure water!!!
It is the most basic human life requirement. Only being out done by oxygen. So why is it that the water we have access to is poisoned. There are tons of things that the FDA has deemed appropriate for our water consumption, including chlorine, pharmaceuticals, and fluoride.
This is an article from Natural News
(NaturalNews) A recent study conducted by researchers from the State University of New York (SUNY) found that fluoride ingestion may be responsible for causing premature births. Presented to the American Public Health Association at its annual meeting, these findings ratchet up yet another detrimental consequence of ingesting this toxic poison that is added to most American municipal water supplies.
Sodium fluoride, a waste byproduct of the aluminum industry, is touted by most mainstream health bureaucracies as one of the greatest public health achievements ever discovered. The American Dental Association praises the medication of the public through fluoridated municipal water supplies, claiming that it has done wonders to prevent tooth decay. A simple investigation beyond the glaringly false rhetoric, however, reveals the dirty reality behind fluoride and the incredible harm it inflicts upon those who ingest it.
Contrary to popular belief, fluoride is not a natural substance; it is the byproduct of the aluminum and nuclear industries' use of fluorine gas. The Merck Index lists fluoride's primary use as rat and cockroach poison and it is a known carcinogen. It wasn't until the 1950s that the FDA was somehow convinced that the poison allegedly helped protect teeth.
Fluoride used in Nazi death camps
The first known instances of deliberate water fluoridation were in Nazi Germany ghettos and prison camps. Sodium fluoride was added to the human inmates' water to sterilize them and to cause them to become docile, subservient subjects willing to comply with orders.
Charles Perkins, a research chemist, wrote a letter to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research in 1954 about fluoride. In it, he stated that repeated ingestion of low doses of fluoride over a long period of time will destroy the areas of the human brain that trigger resistance to tyranny and unlawful coercion and control.
Conditions caused by fluoride ingestion
Fluoride ingestion is responsible for causing thyroid dysfunction. The National Research Council (NRC) warns that ingestion of .01 - .03 mg/kg/day of fluoride, which is easily achieved by drinking fluoridated water, can severely inhibit proper thyroid function.
Other problems caused by fluoride include dental fluorosis, a disease of the teeth, weakening of bones and bone loss, bone cancer, kidney problems, and hormone disruption.
Many communities have succeeded in removing fluoride from their water supplies through local campaigns and ballot measures. Since medical professionals and organizations are increasingly becoming opposed to fluoride use, the momentum is stronger than ever to rid the nation's water supplies of toxic fluoride.
Please look into your municipal water supply and then do whatever you have to in order to get pure water!!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Saturday morn....
Good morning!!
I hope you all had a wonderful and safe Friday night!!
I spent the evening at Barnes and Noble, I know, you are thinking I am a nerd right!!
But I have a thirst for knowledge right now that I have never had. I am extremely obsessed with learning EVERYTHING.... it's a journey that will never end....but that's ok.
I had to order the book I want..... It is called Mad Cowboy: Plain truth from the cattle rancher who won't eat meat. It's about the beef industry! If you went to the meatrix1.com link that I provided a while back you will see why I want to read it!!
I also ate dinner at The Cheesecake Factory.... I have been eating 100% organic for several weeks now, and it amazes me when I go to a restaurant and order "healthy" choices and feel so ill afterward! I ordered the small ahi tuna appetizer which is served on top of avocado with some sort of ginger sauce, I drank my own water and when I was done I felt terrible!! Heartburn was unbelievable!! When I eat that meal at home I feel wonderful, so I can't help but wonder....what the hell do they put in that!!!!
I am truckin it along on the treadmill right now at the gym. I have Yogalates in 10 minutes! That is a Yoga/Pilates combo class! Then the rest of the day I will spend grocery shopping and getting ready for this evening! A friends birthday party at one of my favorite hot spots!!!
Tomorrow I will be posting some info on WATER!! Your water might not be what you think it is......
It's not what lies ahead of you and it's not what lies behind you, it is what lies within you!!!
I hope you all had a wonderful and safe Friday night!!
I spent the evening at Barnes and Noble, I know, you are thinking I am a nerd right!!
But I have a thirst for knowledge right now that I have never had. I am extremely obsessed with learning EVERYTHING.... it's a journey that will never end....but that's ok.
I had to order the book I want..... It is called Mad Cowboy: Plain truth from the cattle rancher who won't eat meat. It's about the beef industry! If you went to the meatrix1.com link that I provided a while back you will see why I want to read it!!
I also ate dinner at The Cheesecake Factory.... I have been eating 100% organic for several weeks now, and it amazes me when I go to a restaurant and order "healthy" choices and feel so ill afterward! I ordered the small ahi tuna appetizer which is served on top of avocado with some sort of ginger sauce, I drank my own water and when I was done I felt terrible!! Heartburn was unbelievable!! When I eat that meal at home I feel wonderful, so I can't help but wonder....what the hell do they put in that!!!!
I am truckin it along on the treadmill right now at the gym. I have Yogalates in 10 minutes! That is a Yoga/Pilates combo class! Then the rest of the day I will spend grocery shopping and getting ready for this evening! A friends birthday party at one of my favorite hot spots!!!
Tomorrow I will be posting some info on WATER!! Your water might not be what you think it is......
It's not what lies ahead of you and it's not what lies behind you, it is what lies within you!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Well it is definitely winter in Texas....for now anyway!! I am sitting outside watching the munchkins play football!! My fingers are numb!
I finally started Yoga!! I have class on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays! So far I am really enjoying it! I have high hopes for my flexibility :)
I am putting together my plans for next year, trying to decide which shows I want to compete in! I am ready to get back into that again!
I have a photo-shoot next week then I am off until new years eve. I will be in Oklahoma on New Years eve at Winstar Casino!! If you are in that area come out and see me!!
Ok, too cold for Jen, I will add to this when I am doing cardio tonight before Yoga!!!
I finally started Yoga!! I have class on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays! So far I am really enjoying it! I have high hopes for my flexibility :)
I am putting together my plans for next year, trying to decide which shows I want to compete in! I am ready to get back into that again!
I have a photo-shoot next week then I am off until new years eve. I will be in Oklahoma on New Years eve at Winstar Casino!! If you are in that area come out and see me!!
Ok, too cold for Jen, I will add to this when I am doing cardio tonight before Yoga!!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Well we finally have our internet up and running! We were going CRAZY!! Anyway, quick update! Sending out the pic requests for Edward so should have more of those in the near future! Also have a shoot in 2 weeks, with Marty and then hoping to schedule with Dan Ray while he is in town this month!
Doing cardio right now with my cute tiny computer that I am so excited about! Errands to run today then dinner and a comedy club with the beautiful Marzia Prince!!
I am the captain of my soul and the master of my fate! (great quote from the new movie Invictus)
Doing cardio right now with my cute tiny computer that I am so excited about! Errands to run today then dinner and a comedy club with the beautiful Marzia Prince!!
I am the captain of my soul and the master of my fate! (great quote from the new movie Invictus)
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