I think I am going to start a trend of sharing helpful websites with you on Wednesdays!! So for this first entry I will share with you one of my all time favorite sites!! If you follow me at all you know I am a huge stickler for eating and living in an organic 'intended life' sort of way. I am not perfect, but I do my best!! My absolute go to website for all things health and wellness (and more) is www.naturalnews.com This website has several contributing writers and also searches the web for relevant articles regarding health and wellness. The main guy Mike Adams, aka 'The Health Ranger' has a passion for health and wellness! His articles are wonderfully informative and I highly recommend you all go check out the site and read a couple articles! You will get hooked!! He also has tons of videos to watch and be sure to use the search box, type anything from benefits of garlic, to breastfeeding he will have articles on it!! He also does reviews on supplements, which is extremely helpful since there are tons and tons out there to choose from!! I hope you will all take the time to go check it out, please feel free to leave comments about what you think!! Thanks everyone, make it productive hump day :)
Also be sure and look back through my older blogs!! There is some good stuff from way back when :)
Side note: A couple movies I recommend that will change the way you look at food are; Food Inc., Killer at Large, and Food Matters
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. -- Hippocrates, father of medicine, 431 B.C.
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