Friday, August 28, 2009

OH MAN!!! Today is a special day. I had the most evil, meniachal, selfish thing done to me today, and I am so grateful for it!!!! It is the fire I needed!! Starting today I will start preparing for my next show, photoshoot, live webcam show.... you name it!!! I am ready to do it! So starting today, I am going back onto a pretty hard core diet, and will be training heavy!! Give me 2 weeks and I will be ready to rock!!
Sometimes people come into your life, people you think are good for you......when you find out they aren't the good people you originally thought.....cut em loose!!
Surround yourself with people that lift you up!!!!

THANKS EVERYONE!!!! xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

OH MAN!!! Where have I been?? So sorry I haven't been updating!!
Let's see.... what have I been up to?? I saw Inglorious Bastards this week.....while I am not a Quentin Tarantino fan, this was a really great movie!! I definitely recommend it!! My workouts have been good, I am getting back into my groove at this point! I have been running a lot too. Running is a strange thing.... it takes a lot mentally to get going, but once I get going the runners high is so awesome, I feel like I can go forever!! Now that the boys are back in school I am also getting to ride the bike (to/from school) Yoga has to start next week due to scheduling problems.....but my hopes are that adding yoga and running to my routine that I will be able to create a longer leaner physique! And also hope that I will be able to lean my legs out more for my next show and build up my glutes! Any-who!! Planning a movie night over at Marzia and Keith's house!! Pizza and ice cream ;)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ah.....Monday morning! Found out this morn that I don't have to be at work til noon each day this week! Sweet!! Then next week the boys are back in school, which means only a couple hours each week!! Got an hour and thirty min of cardio in this morning.... next on the agenda is a shake and then a shower!! Going to get my leg workout in before work today! I have a feeling it is going to be a tough one!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Just got back from Waco! Visited my parents for my birthday! It was a good time with fam and friends!!
Got a quick but great arm workout in and ran to sprouts(the market) to grab a couple staples! Ready for the week now!!

"It doesn't matter how fast you go as long as you are headed in the right direction!"

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

good mornin'!
Just finished an hour of cardio, about to head out for my run!
Then today I am taking the boys to the Aquarium!! I love that place!!

Yesterday I got the first order from my chef! The food was awesome!!! So I know that is going to be a great investment!! I didn't have the greatest workout in the gym, but I went and I got through it! So that is my first hurdle :) NEVER BACK DOWN!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 1!!

Today is the day!! I am actually really excited about getting back into a routine with an end goal! It is weird to take breaks and rest for me because I don't function well without a plan!! So now I have a plan!!
So far I am right on schedule :)
It's 6am and I am giving you the update and then getting on the treadmill for an hour.... after that I will go run!! I am starting out with a short run and will work my way up. My end goal is to be able to run 5-7 miles/day no problem (which is what I used to do). Then I will have a shake, juice and protein, then off to work!! After work it's LEG DAY!!! Sweet!! Ttys!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

sorry for my absence :(

Well it has been 2 full weeks since my show in Vegas.... I didn't realize how much 3 shows in a row had taken its toll on me!! So I made the decision to rest and give my body a chance to get back to ground zero! I have been eating all organic and healthy foods to try and nourish myself after over four months of depleting!! So today is my final day of rest and I will be spending it with my family celebrating my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary! Then tomorrow it is back to the gym and I am starting off with legs!! I will also being doing a lot of cardio!! For a few weeks I am going to incorporate running into my program to shock my body and to strengthen my cardiovascular condition.
I am not sure what my next show will be.... but my main goal in the mean time (other than gaining muscle) is to work on my flexibility!! I am currently researching yoga studios that offer bikram. I have never tried yoga, so I figure this is a great time to give it a go :) I believe flexibility is so important, yet I, for some reason don't take the time to really work on my own.
As far as my diet goes, I have found a chef!!! I am so excited about this!! I am going to continue to eat all organic and I am going to attempt as much raw food as possible and supplement with protein shakes!! What will change is I will monitor the amounts I am taking in and the length of time between meals. These last 2 weeks I have just been eating when I am hungry....
I have been really researching the foods that I eat. One of the things I have been looking into is juicing. Since I currently don't have a juicer, I have just been reading the recipes to see what the different combination's offer to the body and then just mixing them in a regular blender! So far the results have been wonderful!!
This morning I had an AWESOME shake!!
I started with SPECIES vanilla protein, then added fresh organic strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, carrots, apple slices, and local honey!! I threw it all in a blender and voila!!! My very own berry vanilla shake :)!!!
It was filling, nourishing, easy to make, and tasted awesome too!!!
I am toying with the idea of adding my concoction recipe's to my blog..... so stay tuned!!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Some great links

Hello All!!!

Do you ever have those days where you just don't want to do anything :) Well today I had one of those!! I was a total bum! I have to go back to work tomorrow, so I figured since today was my last day of vacation I should take the opportunity to do NOTHING!!! It was fantastic!!
Tomorrow will be a rude awakening!! It will be a long day for me! Plus I start my training and diet tomorrow. In 2 weeks I am shooting at the original Metroflex gym with Dan Ray, so I need to get ready for that!

I just learned some new things this week too! So I wanted to share them with you! A little "food for thought" if you will :)
If you get a chance to watch these videos I would love to hear your opinion about them!! So shoot me an email or comment on the blog!