Just click on this link or copy and paste it. Another great article from Dr. Mercola
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Another movie!
OH I forgot to add this movie the other day, The Future of food.
It is another great film about food and deals more with genetic modification and ramifications along with the future of the food industry if we do not choose to make better choices. People always think that voting is done at the ballot box. Well that is not true. Voting us done every day, every time you chose what music to buy, what food to eat, what TV shows you watch you are voting for more of the same. Instead of complaining about the music being a bad influence don't listen to it anymore and that will show your dissatisfaction. If you don't want so much junk food and processed food for you and the future generations of your family then buy all organic and stop voting for more of the same. Every time you use credit or borrow money from banks you are voting for more banks! It is simple but the Free market is the most powerful force on the planet and if we want a better future for us and our kids we need to make better choices and let the change start with us and not rely on other people or the government to do it for us. Anyone can talk and complain, but only leaders truly act and walk the walk. People think that as one person they have no say, but the consumer says it all. If the consumer isn't buying, the company will have no choice but to change in order to survive!
"Most people choose to take the advice they want and not the advice that they need."
It is another great film about food and deals more with genetic modification and ramifications along with the future of the food industry if we do not choose to make better choices. People always think that voting is done at the ballot box. Well that is not true. Voting us done every day, every time you chose what music to buy, what food to eat, what TV shows you watch you are voting for more of the same. Instead of complaining about the music being a bad influence don't listen to it anymore and that will show your dissatisfaction. If you don't want so much junk food and processed food for you and the future generations of your family then buy all organic and stop voting for more of the same. Every time you use credit or borrow money from banks you are voting for more banks! It is simple but the Free market is the most powerful force on the planet and if we want a better future for us and our kids we need to make better choices and let the change start with us and not rely on other people or the government to do it for us. Anyone can talk and complain, but only leaders truly act and walk the walk. People think that as one person they have no say, but the consumer says it all. If the consumer isn't buying, the company will have no choice but to change in order to survive!
"Most people choose to take the advice they want and not the advice that they need."
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a blessed holiday full of family and friends!
Now for all of you who have a new years resolution to get in shape and tone up, I have the ultimate recommendation to help you on your journey! Your homework is to watch these to movies: Food Inc. and Killer at large. Once you have a better understanding of how the food industry works, from how its made to how it is advertised and how it reacts inside your body, making healthier choices becomes a whole lot easier. If you have a goal to get in shape and take control of your life but have no idea what you are eating and drinking, or how it is made and advertised then you are fooling yourself. Trust me after seeing these two movies you will have a complete shift in the way you look at and think of food. This will make you far more in control of what you eat than ever before. If you think you know, believe me, you have no idea!!!
Most people are born original and most people die copies!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!
Now for all of you who have a new years resolution to get in shape and tone up, I have the ultimate recommendation to help you on your journey! Your homework is to watch these to movies: Food Inc. and Killer at large. Once you have a better understanding of how the food industry works, from how its made to how it is advertised and how it reacts inside your body, making healthier choices becomes a whole lot easier. If you have a goal to get in shape and take control of your life but have no idea what you are eating and drinking, or how it is made and advertised then you are fooling yourself. Trust me after seeing these two movies you will have a complete shift in the way you look at and think of food. This will make you far more in control of what you eat than ever before. If you think you know, believe me, you have no idea!!!
Most people are born original and most people die copies!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Chlorine/Fluoride and Fertility today?
I was thinking about fertility the other day and the fact that so many people have a hard time....I have been thinking about the different things we each do and come into contact with and I have since started looking into it....
I have found that fluoride (which has been added to our drinking water since the 1950's) is a byproduct of the aluminum and nuclear industries. The Merck index lists fluoride's primary use as rat and cockroach poison. The first known instances of deliberate water fluoridation were in Nazi Germany ghettos and prison camps. Sodium fluoride was added to the human inmates' water to sterilize them and to cause them to become docile, subservient subjects willing to comply with orders. Among other things it causes hormone disruption and premature births. I know, I know 'they' say it is good for our teeth, but interestingly enough it actually causes dental fluorosis (a disease of the teeth) and weakening of bones through bone loss!!
The second thing I thought of was chlorine. It is in cleaning products, swimming pools, tap water (that most drink, shower in, and cook with), toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, baby wipes, diapers, cotton swabs, and TAMPONS.....several of these things come into contact with ours and our babies most sensitive places. I will attach the link to an article that I just finished reading but I am going to copy and paste some of the most interesting info in case you can't read the entire article!!
The average woman, menstruating for five days a month for 38 years will use approximately
11,400 tampons in a lifetime.
Most tampons are treated with chemicals that have no place in a product to be used so intimately by women. Tampax manufactures tampons from a blend of rayon/viscose and conventionally grown cotton. Approximately “84 million pounds of pesticides are sprayed on 14.4 million acres of conventional cotton grown each year in the US… These chemicals are some of the most toxic used in agriculture and the [Environmental Protection Agency] has declared seven of the top 15 to be ʻpossibleʼ, ʻlikelyʼ, ʻprobableʼ, or ʻknownʼ human carcinogens” (“A Periodic Problem”). The toxic cotton is a problem, but certainly not the only one.
The rayon/viscose used in Tampax is made from wood pulp and hundreds of chemicals are used during the process of converting wood to rayon. The chlorine bleaching of wood pulp is where the greatest danger lies. The process creates chlorinated hydrocarbons, a hazardous group of chemicals with byproducts that includes dioxins, some of the most toxic substances known.
Given that dioxin is cumulative and slow to disintegrate, the real danger comes from repeated contact. I think itʼs safe to consider five days a month, 12 months a year, for nearly 40 years to be repeated contact.
Dioxin is a term used to describe a group of hundreds of highly persistent and highly toxic chemicals that accumulate in the environment and in our bodies. This toxin is a highly dangerous byproduct of many different industrial processes involving chlorine including waste incineration, chemical and pesticide manufacturing, and pulp and paper bleaching (this includes the rawmaterials used in conventional tampons). Dioxin is an organochlorine and is produced by a combination of chlorine and organic compounds. As the primary toxic component of Agent Orange, it is considered “the deadliest substance known to humankind”(“Chlorine Bleaching, Dioxin and Womenʼs Health”), where “literally, a tablespoon [of dioxin] would kill everyone on the planet”(Citrinbaum).
The risk with dioxin is not about how much is present, but that it is there at all. The “subtle reproductive and health effects occur at doses low enough to present no blatant effects, and is insidiously spreading slowly throughout populations” (“Chlorine Bleaching, Dioxin and Womenʼs Health”). Dioxin accumulates in humans, particularly womenʼs body fat and breast milk. The main means of elimination is therefore through the breast milk or the placenta and then begins to accumulate in the fetus and into infancy. The “greatest risk is to developing children and fetuses” (“Chlorine Bleaching, Dioxin and Womenʼs Health”) as their immune and nervous systems are only just developing. This persistent toxin is not only spreading through populations but through generations.
In addition to cancer and endometriosis the enzyme, hormonal and growth disruption caused by
dioxin exposure has been linked to birth defects, the inability to maintain pregnancy, decreased
fertility, reduced sperm count, diabetes, learning disabilities, immune system suppression, lung
problems, skin disorders, and lowered testosterone levels.
Something to think about for the ladies.... pass this on to any women that you know!
I have found that fluoride (which has been added to our drinking water since the 1950's) is a byproduct of the aluminum and nuclear industries. The Merck index lists fluoride's primary use as rat and cockroach poison. The first known instances of deliberate water fluoridation were in Nazi Germany ghettos and prison camps. Sodium fluoride was added to the human inmates' water to sterilize them and to cause them to become docile, subservient subjects willing to comply with orders. Among other things it causes hormone disruption and premature births. I know, I know 'they' say it is good for our teeth, but interestingly enough it actually causes dental fluorosis (a disease of the teeth) and weakening of bones through bone loss!!
The second thing I thought of was chlorine. It is in cleaning products, swimming pools, tap water (that most drink, shower in, and cook with), toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, baby wipes, diapers, cotton swabs, and TAMPONS.....several of these things come into contact with ours and our babies most sensitive places. I will attach the link to an article that I just finished reading but I am going to copy and paste some of the most interesting info in case you can't read the entire article!!
The average woman, menstruating for five days a month for 38 years will use approximately
11,400 tampons in a lifetime.
Most tampons are treated with chemicals that have no place in a product to be used so intimately by women. Tampax manufactures tampons from a blend of rayon/viscose and conventionally grown cotton. Approximately “84 million pounds of pesticides are sprayed on 14.4 million acres of conventional cotton grown each year in the US… These chemicals are some of the most toxic used in agriculture and the [Environmental Protection Agency] has declared seven of the top 15 to be ʻpossibleʼ, ʻlikelyʼ, ʻprobableʼ, or ʻknownʼ human carcinogens” (“A Periodic Problem”). The toxic cotton is a problem, but certainly not the only one.
The rayon/viscose used in Tampax is made from wood pulp and hundreds of chemicals are used during the process of converting wood to rayon. The chlorine bleaching of wood pulp is where the greatest danger lies. The process creates chlorinated hydrocarbons, a hazardous group of chemicals with byproducts that includes dioxins, some of the most toxic substances known.
Given that dioxin is cumulative and slow to disintegrate, the real danger comes from repeated contact. I think itʼs safe to consider five days a month, 12 months a year, for nearly 40 years to be repeated contact.
Dioxin is a term used to describe a group of hundreds of highly persistent and highly toxic chemicals that accumulate in the environment and in our bodies. This toxin is a highly dangerous byproduct of many different industrial processes involving chlorine including waste incineration, chemical and pesticide manufacturing, and pulp and paper bleaching (this includes the rawmaterials used in conventional tampons). Dioxin is an organochlorine and is produced by a combination of chlorine and organic compounds. As the primary toxic component of Agent Orange, it is considered “the deadliest substance known to humankind”(“Chlorine Bleaching, Dioxin and Womenʼs Health”), where “literally, a tablespoon [of dioxin] would kill everyone on the planet”(Citrinbaum).
The risk with dioxin is not about how much is present, but that it is there at all. The “subtle reproductive and health effects occur at doses low enough to present no blatant effects, and is insidiously spreading slowly throughout populations” (“Chlorine Bleaching, Dioxin and Womenʼs Health”). Dioxin accumulates in humans, particularly womenʼs body fat and breast milk. The main means of elimination is therefore through the breast milk or the placenta and then begins to accumulate in the fetus and into infancy. The “greatest risk is to developing children and fetuses” (“Chlorine Bleaching, Dioxin and Womenʼs Health”) as their immune and nervous systems are only just developing. This persistent toxin is not only spreading through populations but through generations.
In addition to cancer and endometriosis the enzyme, hormonal and growth disruption caused by
dioxin exposure has been linked to birth defects, the inability to maintain pregnancy, decreased
fertility, reduced sperm count, diabetes, learning disabilities, immune system suppression, lung
problems, skin disorders, and lowered testosterone levels.
Something to think about for the ladies.... pass this on to any women that you know!
It is the most basic human life requirement. Only being out done by oxygen. So why is it that the water we have access to is poisoned. There are tons of things that the FDA has deemed appropriate for our water consumption, including chlorine, pharmaceuticals, and fluoride.
This is an article from Natural News
(NaturalNews) A recent study conducted by researchers from the State University of New York (SUNY) found that fluoride ingestion may be responsible for causing premature births. Presented to the American Public Health Association at its annual meeting, these findings ratchet up yet another detrimental consequence of ingesting this toxic poison that is added to most American municipal water supplies.
Sodium fluoride, a waste byproduct of the aluminum industry, is touted by most mainstream health bureaucracies as one of the greatest public health achievements ever discovered. The American Dental Association praises the medication of the public through fluoridated municipal water supplies, claiming that it has done wonders to prevent tooth decay. A simple investigation beyond the glaringly false rhetoric, however, reveals the dirty reality behind fluoride and the incredible harm it inflicts upon those who ingest it.
Contrary to popular belief, fluoride is not a natural substance; it is the byproduct of the aluminum and nuclear industries' use of fluorine gas. The Merck Index lists fluoride's primary use as rat and cockroach poison and it is a known carcinogen. It wasn't until the 1950s that the FDA was somehow convinced that the poison allegedly helped protect teeth.
Fluoride used in Nazi death camps
The first known instances of deliberate water fluoridation were in Nazi Germany ghettos and prison camps. Sodium fluoride was added to the human inmates' water to sterilize them and to cause them to become docile, subservient subjects willing to comply with orders.
Charles Perkins, a research chemist, wrote a letter to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research in 1954 about fluoride. In it, he stated that repeated ingestion of low doses of fluoride over a long period of time will destroy the areas of the human brain that trigger resistance to tyranny and unlawful coercion and control.
Conditions caused by fluoride ingestion
Fluoride ingestion is responsible for causing thyroid dysfunction. The National Research Council (NRC) warns that ingestion of .01 - .03 mg/kg/day of fluoride, which is easily achieved by drinking fluoridated water, can severely inhibit proper thyroid function.
Other problems caused by fluoride include dental fluorosis, a disease of the teeth, weakening of bones and bone loss, bone cancer, kidney problems, and hormone disruption.
Many communities have succeeded in removing fluoride from their water supplies through local campaigns and ballot measures. Since medical professionals and organizations are increasingly becoming opposed to fluoride use, the momentum is stronger than ever to rid the nation's water supplies of toxic fluoride.
Please look into your municipal water supply and then do whatever you have to in order to get pure water!!!
It is the most basic human life requirement. Only being out done by oxygen. So why is it that the water we have access to is poisoned. There are tons of things that the FDA has deemed appropriate for our water consumption, including chlorine, pharmaceuticals, and fluoride.
This is an article from Natural News
(NaturalNews) A recent study conducted by researchers from the State University of New York (SUNY) found that fluoride ingestion may be responsible for causing premature births. Presented to the American Public Health Association at its annual meeting, these findings ratchet up yet another detrimental consequence of ingesting this toxic poison that is added to most American municipal water supplies.
Sodium fluoride, a waste byproduct of the aluminum industry, is touted by most mainstream health bureaucracies as one of the greatest public health achievements ever discovered. The American Dental Association praises the medication of the public through fluoridated municipal water supplies, claiming that it has done wonders to prevent tooth decay. A simple investigation beyond the glaringly false rhetoric, however, reveals the dirty reality behind fluoride and the incredible harm it inflicts upon those who ingest it.
Contrary to popular belief, fluoride is not a natural substance; it is the byproduct of the aluminum and nuclear industries' use of fluorine gas. The Merck Index lists fluoride's primary use as rat and cockroach poison and it is a known carcinogen. It wasn't until the 1950s that the FDA was somehow convinced that the poison allegedly helped protect teeth.
Fluoride used in Nazi death camps
The first known instances of deliberate water fluoridation were in Nazi Germany ghettos and prison camps. Sodium fluoride was added to the human inmates' water to sterilize them and to cause them to become docile, subservient subjects willing to comply with orders.
Charles Perkins, a research chemist, wrote a letter to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research in 1954 about fluoride. In it, he stated that repeated ingestion of low doses of fluoride over a long period of time will destroy the areas of the human brain that trigger resistance to tyranny and unlawful coercion and control.
Conditions caused by fluoride ingestion
Fluoride ingestion is responsible for causing thyroid dysfunction. The National Research Council (NRC) warns that ingestion of .01 - .03 mg/kg/day of fluoride, which is easily achieved by drinking fluoridated water, can severely inhibit proper thyroid function.
Other problems caused by fluoride include dental fluorosis, a disease of the teeth, weakening of bones and bone loss, bone cancer, kidney problems, and hormone disruption.
Many communities have succeeded in removing fluoride from their water supplies through local campaigns and ballot measures. Since medical professionals and organizations are increasingly becoming opposed to fluoride use, the momentum is stronger than ever to rid the nation's water supplies of toxic fluoride.
Please look into your municipal water supply and then do whatever you have to in order to get pure water!!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Saturday morn....
Good morning!!
I hope you all had a wonderful and safe Friday night!!
I spent the evening at Barnes and Noble, I know, you are thinking I am a nerd right!!
But I have a thirst for knowledge right now that I have never had. I am extremely obsessed with learning EVERYTHING.... it's a journey that will never end....but that's ok.
I had to order the book I want..... It is called Mad Cowboy: Plain truth from the cattle rancher who won't eat meat. It's about the beef industry! If you went to the meatrix1.com link that I provided a while back you will see why I want to read it!!
I also ate dinner at The Cheesecake Factory.... I have been eating 100% organic for several weeks now, and it amazes me when I go to a restaurant and order "healthy" choices and feel so ill afterward! I ordered the small ahi tuna appetizer which is served on top of avocado with some sort of ginger sauce, I drank my own water and when I was done I felt terrible!! Heartburn was unbelievable!! When I eat that meal at home I feel wonderful, so I can't help but wonder....what the hell do they put in that!!!!
I am truckin it along on the treadmill right now at the gym. I have Yogalates in 10 minutes! That is a Yoga/Pilates combo class! Then the rest of the day I will spend grocery shopping and getting ready for this evening! A friends birthday party at one of my favorite hot spots!!!
Tomorrow I will be posting some info on WATER!! Your water might not be what you think it is......
It's not what lies ahead of you and it's not what lies behind you, it is what lies within you!!!
I hope you all had a wonderful and safe Friday night!!
I spent the evening at Barnes and Noble, I know, you are thinking I am a nerd right!!
But I have a thirst for knowledge right now that I have never had. I am extremely obsessed with learning EVERYTHING.... it's a journey that will never end....but that's ok.
I had to order the book I want..... It is called Mad Cowboy: Plain truth from the cattle rancher who won't eat meat. It's about the beef industry! If you went to the meatrix1.com link that I provided a while back you will see why I want to read it!!
I also ate dinner at The Cheesecake Factory.... I have been eating 100% organic for several weeks now, and it amazes me when I go to a restaurant and order "healthy" choices and feel so ill afterward! I ordered the small ahi tuna appetizer which is served on top of avocado with some sort of ginger sauce, I drank my own water and when I was done I felt terrible!! Heartburn was unbelievable!! When I eat that meal at home I feel wonderful, so I can't help but wonder....what the hell do they put in that!!!!
I am truckin it along on the treadmill right now at the gym. I have Yogalates in 10 minutes! That is a Yoga/Pilates combo class! Then the rest of the day I will spend grocery shopping and getting ready for this evening! A friends birthday party at one of my favorite hot spots!!!
Tomorrow I will be posting some info on WATER!! Your water might not be what you think it is......
It's not what lies ahead of you and it's not what lies behind you, it is what lies within you!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Well it is definitely winter in Texas....for now anyway!! I am sitting outside watching the munchkins play football!! My fingers are numb!
I finally started Yoga!! I have class on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays! So far I am really enjoying it! I have high hopes for my flexibility :)
I am putting together my plans for next year, trying to decide which shows I want to compete in! I am ready to get back into that again!
I have a photo-shoot next week then I am off until new years eve. I will be in Oklahoma on New Years eve at Winstar Casino!! If you are in that area come out and see me!!
Ok, too cold for Jen, I will add to this when I am doing cardio tonight before Yoga!!!
I finally started Yoga!! I have class on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays! So far I am really enjoying it! I have high hopes for my flexibility :)
I am putting together my plans for next year, trying to decide which shows I want to compete in! I am ready to get back into that again!
I have a photo-shoot next week then I am off until new years eve. I will be in Oklahoma on New Years eve at Winstar Casino!! If you are in that area come out and see me!!
Ok, too cold for Jen, I will add to this when I am doing cardio tonight before Yoga!!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Well we finally have our internet up and running! We were going CRAZY!! Anyway, quick update! Sending out the pic requests for Edward so should have more of those in the near future! Also have a shoot in 2 weeks, with Marty and then hoping to schedule with Dan Ray while he is in town this month!
Doing cardio right now with my cute tiny computer that I am so excited about! Errands to run today then dinner and a comedy club with the beautiful Marzia Prince!!
I am the captain of my soul and the master of my fate! (great quote from the new movie Invictus)
Doing cardio right now with my cute tiny computer that I am so excited about! Errands to run today then dinner and a comedy club with the beautiful Marzia Prince!!
I am the captain of my soul and the master of my fate! (great quote from the new movie Invictus)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Something to share
I have been meaning to share this but keep forgetting! I feel bad for leaving you in the dark. For the last few years I have been able to take many great vacations at amazingly low prices do to the travel club I am a part of. It has allowed me to do more traveling than I ever dreamed of and has been just one of the greatest experiences I could ask for. I am not one who likes to just get stuck doing one thing or stay in one place I love to be working on multiple projects at once and staying active and busy so travel has always been a love of mine. So any who if your looking to take some amazing discounted trips then this is the club for you. Or perhaps you are looking to make a few bucks off referrals, they even have a program for that as well. Just check out the link and have a great day!!!! http://teambuckles.worldventures.biz/
Look forward to hearing from you guys! E-mail me any times with questions or suggestions on things you would like to see in the future on my site.
"Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better."
Jim Rohn
Look forward to hearing from you guys! E-mail me any times with questions or suggestions on things you would like to see in the future on my site.
"Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better."
Jim Rohn
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Photo shoot!
Hello! Well it is an amazingly beautiful day here in Texas!!
I just finished an amazing photo shoot with the fabulous Ed Ramirez!! I will pick up the finished product at the end of this week. I really hope you all like them! Like I said in a previous blog, they are different than anything I have done in the past!
I have some big plans for these pics! ;)
Little tid-bit of info.....
The human body contains roughly 10 gallons of water at a pH of 7.365. One 8 ounce glass of a highly acid-forming beverage, such as coke, added to these ten gallons of water, can bring the overall pH of the body fluids down to 4.6. Fortunately, your body's buffering system does not allow that to happen because death would occur. Instead, your body pulls minerals from it's reserves (calcium from bones, magnesium from muscles, etc) in order to bring the pH back to a normal balance!
Also for every 8 ounces of coke you drink, you have to drink 32 eight ounce glasses of water to re-balance your system!!!
Lesson: DON'T DRINK SODA!!!!
Quote of the day!!
"Most people spend their health chasing wealth, and spend their wealth trying to regain their health."
xoxo Jen
I just finished an amazing photo shoot with the fabulous Ed Ramirez!! I will pick up the finished product at the end of this week. I really hope you all like them! Like I said in a previous blog, they are different than anything I have done in the past!
I have some big plans for these pics! ;)
Little tid-bit of info.....
The human body contains roughly 10 gallons of water at a pH of 7.365. One 8 ounce glass of a highly acid-forming beverage, such as coke, added to these ten gallons of water, can bring the overall pH of the body fluids down to 4.6. Fortunately, your body's buffering system does not allow that to happen because death would occur. Instead, your body pulls minerals from it's reserves (calcium from bones, magnesium from muscles, etc) in order to bring the pH back to a normal balance!
Also for every 8 ounces of coke you drink, you have to drink 32 eight ounce glasses of water to re-balance your system!!!
Lesson: DON'T DRINK SODA!!!!
Quote of the day!!
"Most people spend their health chasing wealth, and spend their wealth trying to regain their health."
xoxo Jen
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Thoughts from healthy minds:)
"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in a sorry a state as the souls who live under tyranny."
By Thomas Jefferson
"Let food be your medicine and medicine your food. Only nature heals provided it is given the opportunity" (Pills don't heal, only the human body can -Brett)
By Hippocrates
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."
By Thomas Edison
Many people associate health/fitness now days with vanity. But thats just the reward your body gives to you for making it healthy on the inside then it in turn blesses your outside. Right now my generation, the people in there 20's for the first time in history have a shorter life expactancy then there parents generation. But what is worse is that the my generations children, the ones being born now have a shorter life expectancy the we will.
“The first wealth is health.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes
“So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.”
“Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning.”
Thomas Jefferson quotes
“A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.”
“In health there is freedom. Health is the first of all liberties.”
“A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time - pills or stairs.”
“Liberty is to the collective body, what health is to every individual body. Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man; without liberty, no happiness can be enjoyed by
Thomas Jefferson quotes
“To preserve health is a moral and religious duty, for health is the basis of all social virtues. We can no longer be useful when we are not well.”
Samuel Johnson quotes
“Health is not valued till sickness comes.”
Thomas Fuller quotes
Just wanted to share some great quotes from some great minds. I had to stop somewhere.
By Thomas Jefferson
"Let food be your medicine and medicine your food. Only nature heals provided it is given the opportunity" (Pills don't heal, only the human body can -Brett)
By Hippocrates
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."
By Thomas Edison
Many people associate health/fitness now days with vanity. But thats just the reward your body gives to you for making it healthy on the inside then it in turn blesses your outside. Right now my generation, the people in there 20's for the first time in history have a shorter life expactancy then there parents generation. But what is worse is that the my generations children, the ones being born now have a shorter life expectancy the we will.
“The first wealth is health.”
“So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.”
“Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning.”
“A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.”
“In health there is freedom. Health is the first of all liberties.”
“A man's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time - pills or stairs.”
“Liberty is to the collective body, what health is to every individual body. Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man; without liberty, no happiness can be enjoyed by
“To preserve health is a moral and religious duty, for health is the basis of all social virtues. We can no longer be useful when we are not well.”
“Health is not valued till sickness comes.”
Just wanted to share some great quotes from some great minds. I had to stop somewhere.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
1 week....
Hello! I hope this beautiful Wednesday finds you all well!
Hmmm.... What to tell you today....I have so much info that I want to share, it is tough to narrow it down!
First I will give you an update on my site!
1. I have decided to do live web cam chats! These chats will be 100% clean and for the purpose of sharing info on nutrition, working out, modeling, competing etc.... If you are interested please email me jennifer@jenniferbuckles.com. I am currently working out the logistics for this new addition!
2. Secondly, I have a photo shoot next Wednesday (Nov. 18) with the fabulous Edward Ramirez. I can't wait to share this series with you! It is going to be different than anything I have done before!
Ok now for some info!!!
I want to let you in on the "Artificial Sweetener" truth....
This is a great article! Please read all the way through! It addresses each kind of sweetener! Also near the top of the article there are links to more articles if you are interested! PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH OTHERS!!!!!
Thanks all!!!
See you soon :)
Hmmm.... What to tell you today....I have so much info that I want to share, it is tough to narrow it down!
First I will give you an update on my site!
1. I have decided to do live web cam chats! These chats will be 100% clean and for the purpose of sharing info on nutrition, working out, modeling, competing etc.... If you are interested please email me jennifer@jenniferbuckles.com. I am currently working out the logistics for this new addition!
2. Secondly, I have a photo shoot next Wednesday (Nov. 18) with the fabulous Edward Ramirez. I can't wait to share this series with you! It is going to be different than anything I have done before!
Ok now for some info!!!
I want to let you in on the "Artificial Sweetener" truth....
This is a great article! Please read all the way through! It addresses each kind of sweetener! Also near the top of the article there are links to more articles if you are interested! PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH OTHERS!!!!!
Thanks all!!!
See you soon :)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Save the cheerleader, save the world!!
I know you all probably saw the Redskin cheerleader that had been poisoned via vaccine! She was on the news last week..... Today though, the breaking news is that SHE HAS BEEN CURED!!! I don't think you will see this on the news though.... Why? Because she was cured by NATURAL MEDICINE! The "doctors" at the big hospitals said "there is no cure" and sentenced her to death! Well......... once again........ THEY WERE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is HUGE victory in the name of Natural remedies!!!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
P.J. Party!!!
Well it is Saturday afternoon and I am getting ready to go to my pajama party! I just finished my run to Sprouts (a local farmers market)! I am known there as their most frequent shopper :) I would say I am in there at least every other day, if not everyday! I love buying fresh organic food, it just feels so good knowing that I am fueling my body with only the best nature has to offer!
There are 2 things I want to share with you today:
1. visit www.themeatrix1.com
At the end of the short video you can find your local farmers market!
2. visit www.coconutresearchcenter.org
Find out why I recommend organic extra virgin coconut oil to EVERYONE!!!
On the landing page for the Coconut Research Center you will find many uses for this amazing
I hope you enjoy the information!!!
Now I am off to my all girls party :) Pictures will follow!!
There are 2 things I want to share with you today:
1. visit www.themeatrix1.com
At the end of the short video you can find your local farmers market!
2. visit www.coconutresearchcenter.org
Find out why I recommend organic extra virgin coconut oil to EVERYONE!!!
On the landing page for the Coconut Research Center you will find many uses for this amazing
I hope you enjoy the information!!!
Now I am off to my all girls party :) Pictures will follow!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
A new theme......
Ok everyone! I know I have been absent for a bit! But now I am back and full of info for you! I am going to use this blog to pass on information that I have come across that I think is important. My new motto is "be your own advocate"---With that said, I will bring you the most accurate info that I can find and you can watch/read it and come to your own conclusions! Also, please feel free to comment or email me and ask questions about the info I have supplied!! Thanks, and I hope you can really get something out of this!
I am also in the process of choosing a charity that you will be able to donate to through my site! It will be a charity that promotes/teaches health and prevention of disease! If you have a charity or organization you think I should promote please email me!!
Look for pics next week detailing the pajama party I am attending tomorrow night ;)
I am also in the process of choosing a charity that you will be able to donate to through my site! It will be a charity that promotes/teaches health and prevention of disease! If you have a charity or organization you think I should promote please email me!!
Look for pics next week detailing the pajama party I am attending tomorrow night ;)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Good morning!!
Just finished an hour of cardio! I have a busy day today! My dad gets out of the hospital today (hopefully), driving him to the Big D for recovery. Then work, then weights tonight!
Yesterday I had an amazing back and bicep workout! My trainer has me doing a lot more ab work than I have ever done as well....so hopefully at the end of November I can show off a six pack in Florida!
Wishing anyone and everyone a happy hump day!!
Just finished an hour of cardio! I have a busy day today! My dad gets out of the hospital today (hopefully), driving him to the Big D for recovery. Then work, then weights tonight!
Yesterday I had an amazing back and bicep workout! My trainer has me doing a lot more ab work than I have ever done as well....so hopefully at the end of November I can show off a six pack in Florida!
Wishing anyone and everyone a happy hump day!!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Good morning folks :)
I start my contest diet today.... I am 6 weeks and 3 days out from Nationals in Ft. Lauderdale Florida!
Also have to up my cardio to twice a day! This morning I will do 1 hour, and maybe an hour and a half if I am in the zone! Then I will start each day with a Species protein shake, 1.5-2 scoops.
I have a new workout partner which makes things so much easier!
I am planning to schedule some photoshoots starting in about 3 weeks from now, so stay tuned for those pictures!
I start my contest diet today.... I am 6 weeks and 3 days out from Nationals in Ft. Lauderdale Florida!
Also have to up my cardio to twice a day! This morning I will do 1 hour, and maybe an hour and a half if I am in the zone! Then I will start each day with a Species protein shake, 1.5-2 scoops.
I have a new workout partner which makes things so much easier!
I am planning to schedule some photoshoots starting in about 3 weeks from now, so stay tuned for those pictures!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Good morning all!!! Just got done with my morning round of cardio, watching Dexter! I love this show!! Anyway, I have a body paint gig tomorrow night....so be looking for pics soon, I am going to be a leopard, meow :) Will have a wig on! Too bad, because I am getting my hair done tomorrow morn!
Last night I thought we were going to have to make a late night run to the emergency vet! My little chi-weenie tried to jump in the bed and missed! She fell and immediately started this gut wrenching crying and was holding her leg up... it was the saddest thing!!! But with lots of love and a good nights sleep she is all better this morning!!
Got a new workout partner! First go was Tuesday and we had a fantastic workout!! We are meeting again tonight, going to hit arms hard!! I am pumped!!
Last night I thought we were going to have to make a late night run to the emergency vet! My little chi-weenie tried to jump in the bed and missed! She fell and immediately started this gut wrenching crying and was holding her leg up... it was the saddest thing!!! But with lots of love and a good nights sleep she is all better this morning!!
Got a new workout partner! First go was Tuesday and we had a fantastic workout!! We are meeting again tonight, going to hit arms hard!! I am pumped!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Good morning!
It feels like Monday, but it's already Tuesday!! I love that!
I have been watching Dexter, it's really a well done show! Creepy that I don't want him to get caught! Lol!
Just got done with cardio.... Need to shower and get ready....then I think I may go shopping at a local antique mall :) One man's trash is another man's treasure right!!
Legs yesterday, today....not sure, going to see my trainer! All I know is it will surely kick my a**!
There is no beauty but the beauty of action.
Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
It feels like Monday, but it's already Tuesday!! I love that!
I have been watching Dexter, it's really a well done show! Creepy that I don't want him to get caught! Lol!
Just got done with cardio.... Need to shower and get ready....then I think I may go shopping at a local antique mall :) One man's trash is another man's treasure right!!
Legs yesterday, today....not sure, going to see my trainer! All I know is it will surely kick my a**!
There is no beauty but the beauty of action.
Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Just got done cleaning out the garage! Found mouse poop :( yuck!!
Also got my whole house reorganized!! Need to go buy some shelves and baskets etc....
This past week was my first week on my new schedule!! Work from 3-5!! Whoo hoo!! I get so much done during the day now that I have so much extra time!!
We went out to the Glass Cactus saturday night with friends, had a blast!! Then last night we laid low and watched "17 again" with friends, that is a cute movie!!
Training legs today in about an hour!! I have been training really heavy which has been a great change for me!!
Also this past week I started counting calories again, that is my favorite way to lose weight when I am in off season!! It's a great way to make sure I get all the protein and nutrients that I need but not have the limitation on my food choices!! I utilize sparkpeople and add to it after each meal!! I love it!!
Don't talk about it, be about it!!
Show me don't tell me!!
You get the idea :)
Also got my whole house reorganized!! Need to go buy some shelves and baskets etc....
This past week was my first week on my new schedule!! Work from 3-5!! Whoo hoo!! I get so much done during the day now that I have so much extra time!!
We went out to the Glass Cactus saturday night with friends, had a blast!! Then last night we laid low and watched "17 again" with friends, that is a cute movie!!
Training legs today in about an hour!! I have been training really heavy which has been a great change for me!!
Also this past week I started counting calories again, that is my favorite way to lose weight when I am in off season!! It's a great way to make sure I get all the protein and nutrients that I need but not have the limitation on my food choices!! I utilize sparkpeople and add to it after each meal!! I love it!!
Don't talk about it, be about it!!
Show me don't tell me!!
You get the idea :)
Friday, August 28, 2009
OH MAN!!! Today is a special day. I had the most evil, meniachal, selfish thing done to me today, and I am so grateful for it!!!! It is the fire I needed!! Starting today I will start preparing for my next show, photoshoot, live webcam show.... you name it!!! I am ready to do it! So starting today, I am going back onto a pretty hard core diet, and will be training heavy!! Give me 2 weeks and I will be ready to rock!!
Sometimes people come into your life, people you think are good for you......when you find out they aren't the good people you originally thought.....cut em loose!!
Surround yourself with people that lift you up!!!!
THANKS EVERYONE!!!! xoxoxoxo
Sometimes people come into your life, people you think are good for you......when you find out they aren't the good people you originally thought.....cut em loose!!
Surround yourself with people that lift you up!!!!
THANKS EVERYONE!!!! xoxoxoxo
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
OH MAN!!! Where have I been?? So sorry I haven't been updating!!
Let's see.... what have I been up to?? I saw Inglorious Bastards this week.....while I am not a Quentin Tarantino fan, this was a really great movie!! I definitely recommend it!! My workouts have been good, I am getting back into my groove at this point! I have been running a lot too. Running is a strange thing.... it takes a lot mentally to get going, but once I get going the runners high is so awesome, I feel like I can go forever!! Now that the boys are back in school I am also getting to ride the bike (to/from school) Yoga has to start next week due to scheduling problems.....but my hopes are that adding yoga and running to my routine that I will be able to create a longer leaner physique! And also hope that I will be able to lean my legs out more for my next show and build up my glutes! Any-who!! Planning a movie night over at Marzia and Keith's house!! Pizza and ice cream ;)
Let's see.... what have I been up to?? I saw Inglorious Bastards this week.....while I am not a Quentin Tarantino fan, this was a really great movie!! I definitely recommend it!! My workouts have been good, I am getting back into my groove at this point! I have been running a lot too. Running is a strange thing.... it takes a lot mentally to get going, but once I get going the runners high is so awesome, I feel like I can go forever!! Now that the boys are back in school I am also getting to ride the bike (to/from school) Yoga has to start next week due to scheduling problems.....but my hopes are that adding yoga and running to my routine that I will be able to create a longer leaner physique! And also hope that I will be able to lean my legs out more for my next show and build up my glutes! Any-who!! Planning a movie night over at Marzia and Keith's house!! Pizza and ice cream ;)
Monday, August 17, 2009
Ah.....Monday morning! Found out this morn that I don't have to be at work til noon each day this week! Sweet!! Then next week the boys are back in school, which means only a couple hours each week!! Got an hour and thirty min of cardio in this morning.... next on the agenda is a shake and then a shower!! Going to get my leg workout in before work today! I have a feeling it is going to be a tough one!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Just got back from Waco! Visited my parents for my birthday! It was a good time with fam and friends!!
Got a quick but great arm workout in and ran to sprouts(the market) to grab a couple staples! Ready for the week now!!
"It doesn't matter how fast you go as long as you are headed in the right direction!"
Got a quick but great arm workout in and ran to sprouts(the market) to grab a couple staples! Ready for the week now!!
"It doesn't matter how fast you go as long as you are headed in the right direction!"
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
good mornin'!
Just finished an hour of cardio, about to head out for my run!
Then today I am taking the boys to the Aquarium!! I love that place!!
Yesterday I got the first order from my chef! The food was awesome!!! So I know that is going to be a great investment!! I didn't have the greatest workout in the gym, but I went and I got through it! So that is my first hurdle :) NEVER BACK DOWN!!
Just finished an hour of cardio, about to head out for my run!
Then today I am taking the boys to the Aquarium!! I love that place!!
Yesterday I got the first order from my chef! The food was awesome!!! So I know that is going to be a great investment!! I didn't have the greatest workout in the gym, but I went and I got through it! So that is my first hurdle :) NEVER BACK DOWN!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Day 1!!
Today is the day!! I am actually really excited about getting back into a routine with an end goal! It is weird to take breaks and rest for me because I don't function well without a plan!! So now I have a plan!!
So far I am right on schedule :)
It's 6am and I am giving you the update and then getting on the treadmill for an hour.... after that I will go run!! I am starting out with a short run and will work my way up. My end goal is to be able to run 5-7 miles/day no problem (which is what I used to do). Then I will have a shake, juice and protein, then off to work!! After work it's LEG DAY!!! Sweet!! Ttys!!
So far I am right on schedule :)
It's 6am and I am giving you the update and then getting on the treadmill for an hour.... after that I will go run!! I am starting out with a short run and will work my way up. My end goal is to be able to run 5-7 miles/day no problem (which is what I used to do). Then I will have a shake, juice and protein, then off to work!! After work it's LEG DAY!!! Sweet!! Ttys!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
sorry for my absence :(
Well it has been 2 full weeks since my show in Vegas.... I didn't realize how much 3 shows in a row had taken its toll on me!! So I made the decision to rest and give my body a chance to get back to ground zero! I have been eating all organic and healthy foods to try and nourish myself after over four months of depleting!! So today is my final day of rest and I will be spending it with my family celebrating my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary! Then tomorrow it is back to the gym and I am starting off with legs!! I will also being doing a lot of cardio!! For a few weeks I am going to incorporate running into my program to shock my body and to strengthen my cardiovascular condition.
I am not sure what my next show will be.... but my main goal in the mean time (other than gaining muscle) is to work on my flexibility!! I am currently researching yoga studios that offer bikram. I have never tried yoga, so I figure this is a great time to give it a go :) I believe flexibility is so important, yet I, for some reason don't take the time to really work on my own.
As far as my diet goes, I have found a chef!!! I am so excited about this!! I am going to continue to eat all organic and I am going to attempt as much raw food as possible and supplement with protein shakes!! What will change is I will monitor the amounts I am taking in and the length of time between meals. These last 2 weeks I have just been eating when I am hungry....
I have been really researching the foods that I eat. One of the things I have been looking into is juicing. Since I currently don't have a juicer, I have just been reading the recipes to see what the different combination's offer to the body and then just mixing them in a regular blender! So far the results have been wonderful!!
This morning I had an AWESOME shake!!
I started with SPECIES vanilla protein, then added fresh organic strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, carrots, apple slices, and local honey!! I threw it all in a blender and voila!!! My very own berry vanilla shake :)!!!
It was filling, nourishing, easy to make, and tasted awesome too!!!
I am toying with the idea of adding my concoction recipe's to my blog..... so stay tuned!!
I am not sure what my next show will be.... but my main goal in the mean time (other than gaining muscle) is to work on my flexibility!! I am currently researching yoga studios that offer bikram. I have never tried yoga, so I figure this is a great time to give it a go :) I believe flexibility is so important, yet I, for some reason don't take the time to really work on my own.
As far as my diet goes, I have found a chef!!! I am so excited about this!! I am going to continue to eat all organic and I am going to attempt as much raw food as possible and supplement with protein shakes!! What will change is I will monitor the amounts I am taking in and the length of time between meals. These last 2 weeks I have just been eating when I am hungry....
I have been really researching the foods that I eat. One of the things I have been looking into is juicing. Since I currently don't have a juicer, I have just been reading the recipes to see what the different combination's offer to the body and then just mixing them in a regular blender! So far the results have been wonderful!!
This morning I had an AWESOME shake!!
I started with SPECIES vanilla protein, then added fresh organic strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, carrots, apple slices, and local honey!! I threw it all in a blender and voila!!! My very own berry vanilla shake :)!!!
It was filling, nourishing, easy to make, and tasted awesome too!!!
I am toying with the idea of adding my concoction recipe's to my blog..... so stay tuned!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Some great links
Hello All!!!
Do you ever have those days where you just don't want to do anything :) Well today I had one of those!! I was a total bum! I have to go back to work tomorrow, so I figured since today was my last day of vacation I should take the opportunity to do NOTHING!!! It was fantastic!!
Tomorrow will be a rude awakening!! It will be a long day for me! Plus I start my training and diet tomorrow. In 2 weeks I am shooting at the original Metroflex gym with Dan Ray, so I need to get ready for that!
I just learned some new things this week too! So I wanted to share them with you! A little "food for thought" if you will :)
If you get a chance to watch these videos I would love to hear your opinion about them!! So shoot me an email or comment on the blog!
Do you ever have those days where you just don't want to do anything :) Well today I had one of those!! I was a total bum! I have to go back to work tomorrow, so I figured since today was my last day of vacation I should take the opportunity to do NOTHING!!! It was fantastic!!
Tomorrow will be a rude awakening!! It will be a long day for me! Plus I start my training and diet tomorrow. In 2 weeks I am shooting at the original Metroflex gym with Dan Ray, so I need to get ready for that!
I just learned some new things this week too! So I wanted to share them with you! A little "food for thought" if you will :)
If you get a chance to watch these videos I would love to hear your opinion about them!! So shoot me an email or comment on the blog!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Back from Vegas! We had a lot of fun! We did so much swimming and walking and exploring! It was a blast! The show was amazing. It was the biggest USA show ever with almost 500 competitors. But I don't know what came over me, it was all my fault, but unfortunately I got nervous on Friday night and it showed on stage!!! That killed my chances! So now that I am home I am going to work on building muscle and also I think I will hire a posing coach to help me with my stage presence! I am still working on this transition from traditional modeling and bikini modeling to the fitness side of modeling. I am still very new. I have only been doing it for about four months and have a lot to learn. It is a whole different ball game, that is for sure. I am still working on changing up my old school training from just training to be in shape and now I am trying to add a bit more muscle. But pretty muscles of course. I want to increase the shape of my legs and glutes and add more size to my arms and shoulders. Plus working on controlling my muscles on stage. Lol, lifting heavy is a brand new thing to me:)
Please take a look at the bikini's that are up online now!! I will have all of the fabric samples up on my site soon and then you can pick and choose what you want your bikini to look like!! I know you will all love these suits!! They are so wonderful!!
If you have any questions please feel free to email me!!
Thank you for all of your support!!
"Pain is temporary, quitting is forever"
Lance Armstrong
Please take a look at the bikini's that are up online now!! I will have all of the fabric samples up on my site soon and then you can pick and choose what you want your bikini to look like!! I know you will all love these suits!! They are so wonderful!!
If you have any questions please feel free to email me!!
Thank you for all of your support!!
"Pain is temporary, quitting is forever"
Lance Armstrong
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
My Interview
Check out my interview at Simplyshredded.com
Monday, July 20, 2009
GOOD MORNING!!! It's early, but I already know it's going to be a great (and productive) day!! Cardio, tanning, and weights will be done by 10 am! Then it's to the spa for a mani/pedi, then out to a friends house to raid her closet :) Tonight I am having dinner with my beloved father, then it's early to bed because I have to be at work at 4:30am tomorrow!!! Luckily when I get there I get to go back to sleep and I will be off work tomorrow at 8am, so not too shabby!!
Quote: "If you are going to be a champion, you must be willing to pay a greater price."
-- Bud Wilkinson
Quote: "If you are going to be a champion, you must be willing to pay a greater price."
-- Bud Wilkinson
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Today I went to lunch and shopping with a friend!! Also I had a great but quick shoulder and tricep workout! Slept in this morning so I am getting ready to do my cardio here in a few minutes!! I have a busy 4 days ahead of me! Mani/Pedi, hair, bikini alterations, maybe a photo shoot ;)!! Can't wait to leave!!
BIKINI'S WILL BE FOR SALE IN VEGAS!!! You will not find cuter bikini's or better prices!!!
Quote: "Successful people don't do what other people can't do, they do what other people won't do"
BIKINI'S WILL BE FOR SALE IN VEGAS!!! You will not find cuter bikini's or better prices!!!
Quote: "Successful people don't do what other people can't do, they do what other people won't do"
Saturday, July 18, 2009
7 days from right now I will be at the finals for the USA's!!! SWEET!! However, I am soooo hungry!! Today I attempted to go to the mall and get some stuff to wear in Vegas and for photo shoots.... no luck! I will have to try again in the next couple of days. I did make it through my cardio this morning and had an awesome back workout today, so that is good! Now I am tired and just want to go to sleep, but no rest for the weary! It is a friends birthday, so we are going out to celebrate! Tomorrow.... same story different day :)
Quote: "I see only the objective, all obstacles must give way"!!!
Quote: "I see only the objective, all obstacles must give way"!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Less than a week til we leave for Vegas!! I am so pumped. Although these last few days have been tough for me... I have set my goals for how much cardio/training I have to do and of course my diet allowances, but meeting those goals is not always easy! My trainer gave me some great advice this week; Anyone can train when they feel like it, but it's the people who train when they don't feel like it, eat right when all they can think about is cheating, and choose to smile when you feel like frowning, that's what separates the champions from everybody else! That really motivated me!!
I will keep you up to date as much as possible on my progress leading up to the show!“Champions are not made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision.” Muhammad Ali
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sweat suit time!
Today I started my sweat suit cardio! I will tell you... I hate that thing. Makes me feel so dirty! At least I get to do it in the privacy of my own home and then get directly into the shower!! I actually love doing cardio.... I know I know.... but whenever I am bored I can just go hop on the treadmill and watch a movie or one of my favorite shows (thanks to NETFLIX)!! Makes the time fly! It is also time to start tanning (which I have been putting off)
I hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful summer day! It is a steamy 104 degrees here in the big D :)
Today's bit of wisdom: The 3 D's... Discipline, Determination, and Desire... They are all necessary to accomplish anything of importance!
I hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful summer day! It is a steamy 104 degrees here in the big D :)
Today's bit of wisdom: The 3 D's... Discipline, Determination, and Desire... They are all necessary to accomplish anything of importance!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Sunday! No day of rest:)
That is right today is arm day and then I have to make my Costco run! 10 days out tomorrow! Time to bump it up a bit and see if we can start slowly dropping some of this water. It looks like Dan Ray and I may be doing a photo shoot at MetroFlex Monday morning (that is the home of the great Ronnie Coleman)! That should be really fun! Dan is so awesome! I can't wait for Vegas! This Bikini Division is so much fun. I am not 100 percent sure what would be my best look to go for right now, whether leaner or more muscular or perhaps both or maybe softer lol. Not 100 percent sure. So I am just going to do my best and put the best body I can up there and one I would think would be the ideal Bikini Girl:) Hopefully that can be me someday! As for now I am just grateful to be competing at this level and being compared to such beautiful, fit and simply amazing women. So that being said, I hope I can show improvement from the last show.
Train Hard! And Never quit! Every one gets discouraged, everyone! But its the ones who never quit who win in life! Bill Gates said it best, if you want to be successful increase your failure rate by 100 percent!
“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checked by failure...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”
Train Hard! And Never quit! Every one gets discouraged, everyone! But its the ones who never quit who win in life! Bill Gates said it best, if you want to be successful increase your failure rate by 100 percent!
“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checked by failure...than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Saturday mornin'
MASSAGE day!!! I love massage day :) First I must earn it, leg day! Also I have to get my mutts groomed!!!
Hanging with friends tonight to watch the UFC fight!
Quote of the day: "The Six W's: Work will win when wishing won't."
Hanging with friends tonight to watch the UFC fight!
Quote of the day: "The Six W's: Work will win when wishing won't."
Friday, July 10, 2009
Great Quote!
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
14 days til Vegas!!
Good Morning!!!
The human body never ceases to amaze me!! I cut out all sugar and significantly lowered my carbs only 2 days ago and my body has completely started to change already!
Cardio #1....check
Lifting legs today! I am pumped! I love leg days!!
Quote of the day: "If you are looking for a miracle, look to the human body"
The human body never ceases to amaze me!! I cut out all sugar and significantly lowered my carbs only 2 days ago and my body has completely started to change already!
Cardio #1....check
Lifting legs today! I am pumped! I love leg days!!
Quote of the day: "If you are looking for a miracle, look to the human body"
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Good morning!
Today is a long day!! I am up early and done with my first session of cardio! So that is exciting, considering I was borderline zombie when I woke up today ;)
A full day at work and then the gym...shoulders I think.... then more cardio!! Ah!! It sucks but I love it!! Hope your day goes as well as I know mine will go!!
Quote of the day....
Sometimes learning to fly means being pushed off a cliff! (translation: you have to get out of your comfort zone!!)
A full day at work and then the gym...shoulders I think.... then more cardio!! Ah!! It sucks but I love it!! Hope your day goes as well as I know mine will go!!
Quote of the day....
Sometimes learning to fly means being pushed off a cliff! (translation: you have to get out of your comfort zone!!)
Monday, July 6, 2009
18 Days until the USA's!! Oh man, so little time!! I am driving to Vegas!! That will be one of the longest drives of my life!! Oh well, gotta do what I gotta do :)
Also I could use any support you are willing to offer!!! 3 shows in 3 months is a lot!!! But the end result will be more than worth it!! Great rewards come only with great sacrifices!!
Also I will be bringing BIKINI's to Vegas to sell!!
Also I could use any support you are willing to offer!!! 3 shows in 3 months is a lot!!! But the end result will be more than worth it!! Great rewards come only with great sacrifices!!
Also I will be bringing BIKINI's to Vegas to sell!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th!!!!
Seeing that today is the greatest day of celebration of the United States, it's a great reminder that we cannot take life and liberty for granted. I just finished decorating my office, custom everything...made by ME :D. Now it's time to go to the gym and workout. Then off to celebrate this holiday and swim with friends!
I wanted to share this video on the Star Spangled banner. Any time you are feeling apathetic or complacent just watch this video and it will remind you to be grateful really quick :)
I wanted to share this video on the Star Spangled banner. Any time you are feeling apathetic or complacent just watch this video and it will remind you to be grateful really quick :)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
It's almost July 4th!! Whoo hoo!! Working today and then it's a 3 day weekend.... but no rest for the weary :) Tomorrow is 21 days until Vegas! That means it's time to hit the gym hard and the diet harder!! See you tomorrow!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Up for suggestions!!
Good morning!! I just want you all to know that I would love to get comments or suggestions on things you may want to see on my new site, or things you may want to know about me!! Please shoot me an email and I will use this blog to answer as many questions as I can! I want to make sure that I am telling you the things you want to know!! But don't get to crazy with the questions ;)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
So on my down time away from work, diet, and the gym I have been decorating my office. I have been in the process of sewing new drapes, organizing the furniture, and hanging up all the pictures and decor. One of my favorite hobbies has always been interior design! Got to love HGTV:) I am for sure the queen of type A personalities. I always have to be busy or on the move or I'll go crazy! Well any who back to work and preparation for the contest!
I wanted to post this because it is one of my favorite quotes of all time-
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
I wanted to post this because it is one of my favorite quotes of all time-
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Another fantastic weekend
It's Sunday night and I am feeling quite accomplished :) I love getting stuff done!! All the laundry, grocery shopping, and cleaning!! Went out with friends on Friday night and out with family on Saturday night!! Today I got the entire office put together, decorated, AND I even sewed my own drapery!! Sweet!! Looking forward to what this next week will bring!!
"Do what you fear the most, and the death of fear is certain" -Mark Twain
"Do what you fear the most, and the death of fear is certain" -Mark Twain
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Vegas Baby
Well it looks like I will be preparing for the USA's in Vegas at the end of July! I am pumped, I love competing! I love setting new goals and challenging myself. Whenever I achieve a goal I know that it is not the end. In fact that is only the beginning! Time to create a new goal! Life is like a mountain and for me there is only one way to go, up! So hopefully I can bring the judges what they want this time and come in with the right look and condition. Last time they seemed to like brunettes...... bummer! So maybe this time blond's will be in:) Hey and if they don't pick me then Ill be back again and again. Life is all about endurance and persistence! Not about who can push the most but who can take the most and keep on pushing!!! Any who with that being said it's time to get back to training and eating clean! :)
Very soon I will have custom training and nutrition for sale along with a build your own bikini option!! Also be looking for autographed photos, posters, and calenders etc....!!!! Stay tuned!!!!
"Be careful whenever you choose to quit, because quitting becomes a habit."
Very soon I will have custom training and nutrition for sale along with a build your own bikini option!! Also be looking for autographed photos, posters, and calenders etc....!!!! Stay tuned!!!!
"Be careful whenever you choose to quit, because quitting becomes a habit."
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Getting Back
We are back from Chicago at the Jr Nationals! Where I placed 3rd in the bikini division:) Ya I am so excited! Well of course you always want first but Ill just have to keep plugging away! Speaking of that, I took only a day and a half to have a few cheats here and there and now its back to work! Cardio, Training, and some healthy dieting!
"Once you agree upon the price you and your family must pay for success, it enables you to ignore the minor hurts, the opponent's pressure, and the temporary failures."
Vince Lombardi
Keep on working hard!
"Once you agree upon the price you and your family must pay for success, it enables you to ignore the minor hurts, the opponent's pressure, and the temporary failures."
Vince Lombardi
Keep on working hard!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
June 17, 2009
Hello! Welcome to my new site! I am competing at the Jr. Nationals in Chicago, IL this weekend. Wish me luck... a pro card is on the line!!
Jennifer Buckles
Jennifer Buckles
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